From: Henry Cooney <>
Date: 11/01/2021 12:13:05
Subject: Special Edition of the University of Western Australia Law Review - Causation in the Law
Attachments: UWALR Special Edition on Causation - Call for Submissions.pdf

Dear ODG members,

The University of Western Australia Law Review (UWALR) is currently seeking submissions for a special edition of the UWALR. The topic is ‘Causation in the Law’. The special edition has no jurisdictional boundaries and articles from authors outside Australia are encouraged.

I hope that the attached call for submissions is of interest.



Henry Cooney

Research Associate

Sessional Tutor – Company Law (LAWS2301) & Introduction to Law (LAWS1104)

Editor – University of Western Australia Law Review

UWA Law School  •  Perth WA 6009 Australia

t +61 416 422 770 • e